Growing through Temptation

Thursday 9th of January

Scripture References:

  1. 1 Corinthians 10:13
  2. Psalm 73

All Christians are confronted with temptations. Temptation is not sin. When temptation comes, the goal is to grow through it into a stronger experience of Kingdom righteousness, rather than to fall through it into some spiritual setback. But we also need to find the way of escape Paul mentioned.

In Psalm 73 Asaph reports on a powerful temptation that almost ensnared him: he nearly coveted the ease and arrogance of the rich. But he recognized this temptation for what it was, and, while maintaining his righteousness, shows us six places to look in finding the way to escape from temptation.

First, Asaph remembered that we never sin alone: He reflected that sin on his part would be a betrayal of the community of faith (v. 15).

Second, Asaph took his temptation to the Lord (vv. 16, 17). By coming into His presence through prayer, He put his own circumstances in an eternal and heavenly perspective.

Third, Asaph contemplated the effects of sin (vv. 18-20). Sin, he reflected, is a slippery slope.

Fourth, Asaph expressed disgust with himself, that he would even contemplate descending into sinful behaviour (vv. 21, 22).

Fifth, Asaph sought the counsel of the Lord (v. 24). He turned to God’s Law so that he could see the ugliness of his covetous inclinations and nip them in the bud before they had a chance to bloom.

Finally, he lingered in the presence of the Lord, meditating on his longing for God, until once again he began to know the fullness of joy and pleasures forever more which are to be had there (vv. 25-28).

All these ways of escaping temptation can make us stronger in the Lord, and keep us advancing against adversity in our pursuit of the Kingdom of God.

Call to Action 

  1. Spend some time in God’s presence. Ask Him to make you sensitive to His Spirit and strengthen you in Him. 
  2. Bring your temptations to the Lord. Confess and repent of any sins you have committed. Then, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and lead you into His truth. 
  3. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.  He may show you multiple things that you need to bring to the Lord. The more you deal with it and trust the Lord to lead you in the path of righteousness, the more freedom you will experience. 
  4. End this time worshipping the Lord.
  5. Consider being accountable to a trusted godly friend or a leader to stay the course of righteousness. 

Worship Song Suggestions

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*Devotions are from SEEKING THE KINGDOM by T. M. Moore